Career Branding…What It Is and What It Isn’t!

Career Branding…What It Is and What It Isn’t!

Posted by The Customer Support Team on 6th Jul 2022

So you’re in that mode again… that job hunting mode and of course you’re irritated and stressed out. We won’t even touch upon how the COVID-19 global pandemic has devastated both employees and employers with an unprecedented wave of uncertainty. Either company revenue has dropped and layoffs are looming or the fear/attack of the virus is forcing professionals to make life-changing decisions.

We see these issues up close everyday through the 1,000+ client projects we’ve managed to date globally. Whether it’s a U.S. school teacher forced to make a career change or the oil driller in the Middle East with expired/lapsed credentials as a result of operations being placed on hold indefinitely. 

We’ve provided consultation for a wide range of professionals in varying circumstances and rebranded their careers with a new resume/CV, cover letter, and social media bio that make recruiters seek “them” to schedule an interview. See we don’t make phony promises or guarantees that you will land a job in 2 months. Instead we generate career documents that are ATS-driven to increase your interviewing opportunities and help you beat out your competition during the job pre-screening process. Plus, we make our prices affordable as we understand that not everyone can afford $350 to have their career profiles rebranded.. or your quality being compromised.

The job market has taken a severe hit worldwide, however we are helping people to land the career of their dreams everyday. And sometimes they even decide to stop the job hunt and pursue their own passions by starting their own businesses… and we’ve helped them launch that too.

What challenges have you faced during this volatile period and how are you planning to overcome it? Trendsetting minds wanna know